Warming Hut update for 3/7/2020

Where has the time gone? It’s Go North Snofest this Friday and Saturday already! Included in this Saturday’s festivities is The Parade of Lights on Back Lake from 5:30pm to 7:30pm and if that’s not enough…The PRR Warming Hut will be open from 10am to 3pm! This week’s...

Warming Hut update for 2/29

The Pittsburg H/S poker run is on for this Saturday and later in the day, The PRR Steak Feed at the clubhouse. That’s when we’ll find out who purchased the lucky ticket for the 2020 SkiDoo! This Saturday, Sue & Brynn Rugg assisted by Susan Scott and Carol...

ATTENTION- Trees down on trail system

Be aware of most likely many trees down throughout all club trail systems. If you have flagging tape with you please hang streamers well in advance of obstacles to warm fellow riders of upcoming dangerous conditions. If you have a saw please try to make access...

Kevin’s Trail Report- 2/23/2020

Trail Report- Anyone who is around today already knows the weather is gorgeous. But not so gorgeous for grooming. Three machines will be heading out very late tonight to hopefully cover some terrain. We definitely can’t change the weather. Looking even warmer...

Warming Hut for 2/22

School vacation weeks bring lots of visitors to Pittsburg. The weather has cooperated and delivered about a foot of new snow just over the last couple of days! Don’t forget to mark your calendars for The PRRSC Steak Feed on Saturday Feb. 29th. That’s when the winning...