by ClubUser | Jan 16, 2019 | Club News, Trail Reports, Warming Hut, What We're Talking About
Smoooooth Trails! Photo – G. Ford Kevin’s Trail Report dated Wednesday, Jan. 16th “After the most recent snowfall last week our groomers have been working steadily to process the snow and make the trails as close to flawless as they can. The weather...
by ClubUser | Jan 4, 2019 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About
“Groomers have been out. We did have two very unforeseen break downs that both required a tractor trailer to haul both units back to the shop just hours apart. One is all set and will be back in service tomorrow night, the other should be repaired tomorrow by...
by ClubUser | Jan 3, 2019 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About
And The grooming continues! The groomer operators continue to work their magic laying out some pretty sweet trails. Trail conditions are fair to very good based on snow depth from South to North. We received a few inches of snow overnight and a little more is in the...
by ClubUser | Dec 27, 2018 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About
Today Melvin made his maiden voyage out into the wilderness for the winter. He hitched a ride on the groomer today with groomer operator Dave Ainsworth.
by ClubUser | Dec 26, 2018 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About
“Groomers will be out today on the East and West side of Route 3 trying to make the best of what it is that we have to work with. Conditions overall range from poor to very good which you can see on the map. We are attempting to scratch up the ice and turn up...