by ClubAdmin | Sep 28, 2020 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About
Trail Work Day is planned for Saturday, October 24th, beginning at 8AM at the club house. If you can help please notify Curt Shaw at . If you can provide your own tools that would be a great help. Brush trimmers, grass trimmers, pole saws...
by ClubAdmin | Sep 23, 2020 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About
Hello Snowmobilers, I was going through our photo library and interestingly enough ran across this one. Wearing face masks last winter???? Did they know something the rest of us didn’t? Hmm…. The Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a cold winter with...
by ClubAdmin | Jun 2, 2020 | Club News, What We're Talking About
Hi Everyone, We hope everyone is doing well. We are finally able to hold our Annual Meeting. Better late than never as they say. The PRRSC will hold their Annual Meeting on Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 7:30PM at the clubhouse. We will practice social distancing and ask...
by ClubAdmin | Mar 25, 2020 | Club News, Trail Reports
Just to clarify for everybody our snowmobile club does not have the authority to open or close the property owned by the New Hampshire headwaters, meaning the state-owned land. We could have closed private land that our system runs through but it was only going to...
by ClubAdmin | Mar 10, 2020 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About
TRAIL REPORT – 3/10/20 “Let’s face it the weather has not cooperated except for about two to three weeks the entire season. We are experiencing temperatures in the high forties today with some rain overnight. Mid 50s and sunshine yesterday and the...