Deborah Loomis photo
Trail Report 3/18/19
“Last week’s rain and warm weather didn’t do us any favors but the riding in Pittsburg is still great!
Groomers have been running day and night to recover from the shifts that we couldn’t do when it was too warm.
Snow cover is still excellent from the far reaches south to the top of our trail system. Be cautious of a few icy corners.
Warmer sunny days ahead with cold nights are a perfect recipe for grooming at night and awesome riding during the day!
I can’t remember having conditions like this in our area in years for the third week of March.
Come to the north country and get in those last rides.
Our grooming hours are holding up well and are striving to keep running until the first week of April and possibly longer.”
Kevin Lassonde, Grooming coordinator.
***** NOTICE *****
Logging activity near Trail 20 south of the village behind Rancourts Gravel Pit (or approx mile north of Indian Stream Rd).
Use caution.
Due to Snowmobilers riding through all the melted snow and slush during the 55F Warm-Up that happened on Thursday & Friday in Pittsburg, Back Lake needs to be traveled with extreme caution because all of those Tracks and Ruts are now Solid Ice and make for very treacherous conditions and warrant speeds of less than 10 MPH…
There are also residual snow banks from the races this past weekend, and due to the extreme weather changes preceding the weekend there was simply no way to knock those banks down…so again,
please proceed with extreme caution.
Thank you.
Ride smart, Ride safe & Happy trails.