Kevin’s Trail Report –
“Trails are shaping for another wonderful weekend of riding.
Groomers have been working day and night to flatten out the entire system after a busy weekend and warm weather and some rain and snow Saturday night.
Thank you for your understanding while we have been down a machine for a few days doing new belts on the tracks and replacing the exhaust manifold gaskets. Neither job was a 20 minute repair.
What a great turn out for the turkey dinner Saturday night!!
I think the count was 196 plates served!
Next weekend February 8 is the annual North Country Firefighters Poker Run.
Starting at Colebrook Fire Department and taking a 50 miles run that ends at Beecher Falls Volunteer Fire Department.
Mark your calendars!”
Kevin Lassonde grooming coordinator PRRSC
What’s happening this weekend & more…..
It’s Open Snowmobile Weekend in Maine starting this Friday, January 31st, Feb. 1 & 2nd.
The Warming Hut will be open this Saturday at 10 am to 3 pm! Come support the club and visit with our hosts.

Look who found Melvin!
If you find him on the trail don’t forget to get a selfie and post it on our Facebook page.
Open Snowmobile Weekend in Maine- Jan. 31st, Feb. 1st & 2nd.
The Warming Hut will be open from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
- Open Snowmobile Weekend in Vermont: Feb. 7, 8 & 9.
- Saturday, Feb. 8th, North Country Firefighters & Rescue Poker Run
- Thursday, Feb. 13th, Pot Luck dinner @ 6:30 & Monthly Meeting @ 7:30
- Saturday, Feb. 15th, The Back Lake Shootout, on Back Lake. Snowmobile Races.
- Saturday, Feb. 29th – PHS Poker Run
- Saturday, Feb. 29th – Annual Steak Feed & Snowmobile Raffle, 4:30 to 7:00 @ the Club House.
For more details go to Events.
March – 6, 7 & 8…...
- Open Weekend in NH
- The Snofest
- The Parade of Lights
Ride safe and see you on the trails.