Warming Hut for 2/3/2018

by | Feb 1, 2018 | Club News, Trail Reports, Warming Hut, What We're Talking About

The Pats are back in the Super Bowl! I hope it works out in our favor…GOAT! GO PATS!
This week we will be serving our ever-popular Clubhouse Turkey Soup and Helga has made us Ham & Bean Soup too. We will be serving “the best dogs north of Gillette Stadium!” Lots of fresh baked cookies and candies, PRR hats, sweatshirts, maps, raffle tickets for the 2018 SkiDoo. The Raffle is drawn at The Steak Feed on the 24th of February and the supply of tickets is getting down there, so if you don’t have one yet, what are you waiting for? DaSilva Motorsports makes the raffle possible, we thank them on behalf of the PRRSC!
This week, Sue, Irene, Rob and myself will be your Hut hosts. We hope that if you’re up enjoying the best trails in NH (The PRRSC Trails of course) you’ll stop up to The Hut to warm up, have a drink, snack or lunch and say hello! We’d love to see you!
The Hut is open Saturday’s only from 10am to 3pm and it’s made possible by NH Parks & Recreation.


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