Pittsburg, NH Snowmobile Trail Report for Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017

by | Jan 3, 2017 | Club News, Trail Reports, Warming Hut, What We're Talking About

Come on up.....Trails are GREAT!
Come on up…..The Trails are GREAT!

The Burg received plenty of snow from last week’s two storms which averaged between 10+ inches in the lower elevations, to over 20+ inches in the higher elevations.

Wow, what a difference from last year.
Our trail conditions are excellent with nightly grooming going on, and in the next couple of nights, the Boundary Pond Trail will be groomed as well.
Our trail maps might be available at the end of this week.


January 7th, Saturday – The Warming Hut opens. Stop in for the best “Hut Dogs”, Soups, and more. Open 10 to 3.

January 12th, Thursday – Pot Luck Dinner and Monthly Meeting at the Club House. 6:30 pm.

January 14th, Saturday-The Annual Snowmobile Blessing at Granite State Power Arctic Cat. 9:00 to 11:00 am.

January 27, 28, & 29th-Reciprocity Weekend

January 28th, Saturday, The Annual Turkey Dinner – 5:00 to 7:00 pm

January 28th, Saturday -Fantastic Fireworks Display!! 8:00pm at Murphy Dam.

For more Event details, click here.

Have fun out on the trails and ride safe.

The Warming Hut is made possible with the cooperation of NH Parks & Recreation.

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