by ClubUser | Jan 30, 2019 | Club News, Trail Reports, Warming Hut, What We're Talking About
UPDATE – Since Kevin’s trail report which is below and dated yesterday we have received another 4+ inches of snow and it’s still snowing!! Not only is it Super Bowl Weekend (Go Pats!!!) it’s also the FREE Weekend to ride in Maine & Vermont. It’s a Win Win...
by ClubUser | Jan 24, 2019 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About
Well sad but true it has been raining buckets all day and it’s still in the high 30’s now. Groomers are parked tonight but the system from what I can see from the roads is taking it well. Everything was groomed relatively well before the rain hit today....
by ClubUser | Jan 24, 2019 | Club News, Trail Reports, Warming Hut, What We're Talking About
This Saturday your Hut Hosts will be Sue and Brynn Rugg and they will have Donna and Rick McDonald helping them to serve up the food, fun and conversation that you can only get at The PRR Warming Hut! The good dining continues later that day at The PRR Clubhouse when...
by ClubUser | Jan 23, 2019 | Club News, Trail Reports, Warming Hut, What We're Talking About
Kevin’s Trail Report dated Wednesday, Jan. 23rd “Our grooming equipment has been working day and night packing down the most recent snowstorm that we got over the end of the weekend. At this time we have a 12 to 24 inch base depending on elevation. The...