Trail Closures
- 20 to Beecher Falls
- 20 to village from Jct 318
- 140 between Dorman’s gas and Young’s Store
Pittsburg received some snow this week, but nothing significant.
Grooming will continue throughout the week weather permitting.
Going north is still your best option. I have moved a third groomer north to Magalloway to help keep the best conditions well maintained. It’s the season for tandem runs, so if you see one groomer expect a second one nearby.
I’m sending 1 groomer over to the west side to handle Malvina, 9 Mile and Indian Stream, trail conditions are still decent in that direction.
South of the hub is passible and ungroomed, not enough snow cover to groom.
Looks like this weekend will have marginal to great conditions depending on the direction you chose to ride.
We will continue to roll with Mother Nature’s punches and keep you riding as long as we can.
Grooming coordinator Jason Busfield
Photo from last night.