Trail Report: 1-22-25
24 years ago this month the Clubhouse held its first event. A Safety Training Class, 23 youngsters and 2 adults in attendance. This course was instructed by Chief Lapoint, Fish & Game CO Garabedian, Safety Director Ann Hewitt, Les Lord, Jill Young and Richard Judd. At the conclusion of the course Ann Hewitt presented Official Safe Driver Certificates and Patches.
The cold temps this week have kept our mechanic working some long days to keep the fleet going. Thanks Claude!
The grooming focus this week has been on widening the trails and moving in as much snow from the sides onto the trail as possible.
Trails are Moderate (bare spots/ice or rough) in a few areas to Great (Groomed Flat with a solid base) in most areas.
Trail Notes:
Trail 145 – East Inlet up around Beaman Hill is now open with a rough ungroomed small section at the bridge. However, the trail to Boundary Pond remains closed.
Trail 20 – between 911 Trail Junction Nos. 1921 & 2440 remains closed for logging.
Trail 139 – (between River Road and Lopstick) the Lake levels have receded enough so that grooming can begin and this section will be groomed by this weekend.
Stop Signs!!!!! We cannot stress enough the importance of STOPPING at these signs. They are put in place for your safety – it’s not ok to wave the sled behind you thru – everyone must stop! We are at a high risk of loosing trails if we do not see a big improvement so, please stop…
Lastly, Turkey Feed at the Clubhouse on Saturday Night 4:30-7:30. Proceeds go to support the Pittsburg High School Scholarship Fund.
Also, on Saturday is the 10th Annual Snowmobile Blessing which is held at Granite State Power Equip. Arctic Cat, on the corner of Back Lake Road & Route 3. Look for the pop-up tent. From 9:00 to 11:00 am.
Think White & Keep Right…