A busy weekend is in store at the clubhouse! The warming hut is open Saturday 10-3 serving up our famous hut dawgs, burgers, turkey soup and a batch of chicken corn chowder donated by Chris Samson. As always, you can count on baked goodies, “hut” and cold drinks, maps, decals, sled raffle tickets and club clothing.
Many thanks to Kate Lemire, Nancy Hawes, Elyse Shallow, Betty Wagner, Helga Zeigler and Elaina Johnson for keeping us supplied with home made baked treats.
The hut crew is sharing the kitchen with the turkey dinner prep crew making for some great entertainment!
The Turkey Dinner is served with all the fixings from 4:30-7:30, take out is available too. All proceeds benefit the scholarship fund. Why cook at home when you can eat here!? 🦃 🌭🦃🌭🦃🌭🦃
Also, the 10th Annual Snowmobile Blessing is Saturday morning, from 9 to 11 am, located at Granite State Power Equip. Arctic Cat, on Trail 141, on the corner of Back Lake Road and Route 3. There was a good group of riders last year, and we are hoping for another good turn out.