Our NEW Pisten Bully groomer with drag arrived today.
Trail Report from David Ainsworth. Grooming Coordinator
” We lost some snow with yesterday’s rain and warm temperatures. The trails near town, and in the hub area are showing bare spots. There is ice on hills and corners so be careful, and please slow down. There will most likely be water bars, similar to last weeks rain event, so be on the lookout for water. If you see water in the trail, please turn around, Don’t try to go through it. Use extreme caution.
The groomers will go out when it cools off. Our temperatures have dropped into the teens tonight.
We are expecting snow all day Friday, with hopefully 6 to 10 inches shown on one weather report, or 3 to 5 inches on another report. We’ll need to wait and see what we get. We will update our trail report then.”
As you can see we received delivery of our new Pisten Bully today. The groomer operators are all excited with their new toy. The groomer will need to have several things installed and then it will be ready to roll.
This Saturday is our Steak Feed. If you haven’t made your reservation yet, please contact Diane at the Club House, 1-603-538-1142 , in the mornings or email – [email protected] Hope to see you there.
The Snowmobile Raffle winner will be announced at 4:00pm Saturday.