We had a great turnout for our work day last weekend. About 40 people showed up ready to help out. We had equipment and tools ready to trim trails, fix culverts and other things that needed to be done.
The cold morning started out with hot coffee and Cinnamon Rolls from Green Acres. Then the group was split up into 8 groups, were given their assignments and then headed out. After the work was done, people came back to the clubhouse for lunch – Hot Turkey Soup, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, drinks and snacks. Here are a few photos of the day.

Work Day Volunteers – October 23rd, 2021
Dennis Phelps Jim Phelps Brooks Wilkie Jim Bergeron Norm Bergeron
Bill Fraser Jerry Christian Howard Southworth Frank Fraitzl Bob Delaney
Brad Guillemette Lindsey Jones Ron, Glenn, & Wyatt Guyette Jackson Lepisto
Brennan Geiss Will Horne Bailey Rokes Doug Lyons Donald Boisbriand
Jamie & Michelle Cook Brian Soucy Betty & Roy Wagner David Ainsworth
Roger Lemire Robert Cruickshank Robert Damms Bill Schaffer
Ray Croteau Tom Fuller Kevin Lacasse Mario Lacasse Tim Gaumond
Phil Reed Sue Rugg Diane Fisher John Fisher Curt Shaw
Thank you so much to everyone that helped out. This is what makes a good club great!!