We’re in for an Exciting Weekend….

by | Oct 4, 2021 | Club News, What We're Talking About

NH Grass Drags and Watercross snowmobile race event on Columbus weekend in October in Fremont and Epping New Hampshire is one of the biggest snowmobile events in the world. Also known in the snowmobile world as The NH Grass Drags or Epping snowmobile races.

The NH Grass Drags are this weekend – October, 8,9 & 10th.

We will have a booth selling Memberships, Snowmobile Raffle Tickets and PRR swag. One of our club BODs, Justin Webber will be there with other volunteers. If you have a few hours to help out at the booth, please call Justin at 603-834-0151. The more the merrier, as they say.

Also, this Saturday, October 9th is our Bake Sale to benefit Camp Sno-Mo at Young’s Store from 8:00am to 2:00pm.
Corinne Howland is organizing this fund raiser and is looking for baked goods, and other food donations.

You can contact Corinne at: corinnehowland.prrcraftfair@yahoo.com 

Last year’s bake sale was a huge success raising over $1,000. Let’s send a bunch of kids to Summer Camp!!

We are looking forward to seeing you all soon. Take care and stay safe.

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