Hello snowmobilers,
Snowmobile season isn’t too far away. The foliage in Pittsburg is changing quickly. By the end of this month it should be close to Peak Color.
September’s Monthly Meeting highlights:
Diane filled us in on our 2 booths at Pittsburg’s Old Home Day. It was a scorcher of a day, in the 80s, with a huge turnout of people. Memberships, snowmobile raffle tickets and Ridge Runners clothing were sold. Justin Webber and his crew of volunteers sold lots of burgers and bottled water.

Justin’s two sons, Mason – 9 & Owen -7 are following in Dad’s footsteps volunteering. Way to go boys! Thanks for your help.
We would like to thank all the volunteers that helped out on Pittsburg’s Old Home Day – Mark & Sandy Klose, Frank Fraitzl, Jamie & Lisa Bechok, Matt Morse, Dave Lawrence, Colleen Symonds, Corinne Howland, Curt Shaw, Jon & Diane Fisher and Justin Webber and his sons, Mason & Owen.
Curt announced that our new groomer has been shipped, and our new drag is in Maine. This year we were awarded Grant-In-Aid funds from the State which is a tremendous help. We want to thank all of you that have donated to our New Groomer Fund. Every little bit helps.
There’s a lot happening in October starting with the Grass Drags on October, 8,9 & 10th. We will have a booth and one of our club BOD, Justin Webber is looking for a few more volunteers to help out. Please call Justin at 603-834-0151.

On Saturday, October 9th we will have a Bake Sale to benefit Camp Sno-Mo at Young’s Store.
Corinne Howland is organizing this fund raiser and is looking for baked goods, and other food donations. Last year’s bake sale was a huge success raising over $1,000.You can contact Corinne at: [email protected]
Trail Work Party scheduled for Saturday, October 23rd.
We are looking for a few more volunteers for trail maintenance – brushing out the intersections, replacing decking on the River Road Covered Bridge and replacing a culvert. Lunch will be provided. Volunteers are to meet at the club house at 8:00am. We had a great volunteer turnout last year, and lots of work was accomplished that day. To put your name on the Volunteer List, please contact Curt via email – [email protected]
BOD and groomer operator, David Ainsworth will be doing some trail work on the Pisgah Loop in early November. He could use some help. We’ll have more info on this next month.
The Annual Christmas Craft Fair is scheduled for Saturday, November 27th at the Club House. This is another fund raiser for Camp Sno-Mo.
Corinne is also selling Raffle tickets with 3 great prizes. Check it out below.

Looking forward to seeing you all very soon. Stay safe everyone.