“Groomers were out last night. We did have one break down which is now taken care of.
Three machines are out tonight. Some of your favorite trails now have been groomed that haven’t for a while due to limited snow cover in many places we have time to get there as temperatures allow.
Use caution in the area of Terrell pond off from Indian stream last night the river was backup over the trail. Hopefully the water will recede and not pose any more problems.
Tomorrow’s predicted half an inch of rain and warmer temperatures will stop the grooming operations for Friday night. But we will be back out in force on Saturday night.
If you’re coming to Pittsburg this weekend enjoy what winter has left to offer.
Trail conditions First Connecticut Lake South, are rated as fair to poor.
Trails north of First Connecticut Lake area east and west I would rate them as good to excellent.
At this time there are only a few trail closures which were listed early in the week.
Nothing else has changed, as of now you can access gas stations and most all local businesses.
As of right now the only trail sections that are actually closed is the fields between Dorman’s Quickstop and Young Store, from junction number one to junction 217. The Arthur Scott trail is closed at the landowners request and south of The Buck Rub Pub on trail 142 to Murphy dam is closed.
Other than that folks it’s all open.”
Kevin Lassonde grooming coordinator.