Kevin’s Trail Report – 2/5/2020
“Hello fellow Ridge Runners-Groomers have been running day and night over the past 5 days trying to play catch-up from yet again a crazy busy weekend.
Overall trail conditions south of Back Lake are fair to good, conditions north of Back Lake good to excellent in all areas.
If you watched my live trail report on Facebook Sunday night you probably heard me talking about the condition of the snow that we currently have on the ground. It’s basically worn out and has a sand or marbley like consistency to it which makes it close to impossible to get it to stick together, setup and freeze to make a hard longer-lasting riding surface. We’ve been finding it very difficult to get the very heavily traveled areas in the local hub to hold their form. Even with grooming certain trails multiple times a shift the snow just won’t stick together.
If you watched my live trail report on Facebook Sunday night you probably heard me talking about the condition of the snow that we currently have on the ground. It’s basically worn out and has a sand or marbley like consistency to it which makes it close to impossible to get it to stick together, setup and freeze to make a hard longer-lasting riding surface. We’ve been finding it very difficult to get the very heavily traveled areas in the local hub to hold their form. Even with grooming certain trails multiple times a shift the snow just won’t stick together.
Weather predictions are saying that there will be a storm starting sometime Thursday morning and running through Friday night with many different snowfall predictions.
So your guess is as good as mine as to how much we will receive. At this point any amount of snow would be welcome to help freshen up our trail system. But let it be known that receiving a fairly large amount of snow on a Thursday and Friday will make for soft conditions for the weekend. Groomers will be out processing it as quickly as we possibly can so bear with us and enjoy the fresh white stuff that will be falling over the next couple days.
Also, don’t forget the North Country Firefighters Poker Run will be taking place this Saturday.”
Kevin Lassonde, Grooming Coordinator PRRSC
PRRSC Camp Sno Mo donation!
The Pittsburg Ridge Runners snowmobile club would like to thank everybody that donated and participated in the October Bake Sale and the November Christmas Craft Fair.
Helga Ziegler, Corinne Howland and many, many more people worked very hard to have another successful bake sale and craft fair to raise funds for Easter Seals Camp Sno Mo.
This year snowmobile clubs statewide raised over $124,000 for Camp Sno Mo.
Helga Ziegler, Corinne Howland and many, many more people worked very hard to have another successful bake sale and craft fair to raise funds for Easter Seals Camp Sno Mo.
This year snowmobile clubs statewide raised over $124,000 for Camp Sno Mo.
The Pittsburg Ridge Runners ranked 1st in Coos County and 4th overall in the state for funds raised.
Last weekend Corinne and Helga were both on hand at the Ride-In ceremonies to present a check for $7,680 from the PRRSC.
Unbelievable work!!! You all should be proud.
Things happening this weekend & Up Coming Events –
- Open Snowmobile Weekend in Vermont: Feb. 7, 8 & 9.
- Saturday, Feb. 8th, North Country Firefighters & Rescue Poker Run.
- The Warming Hut will be open this Saturday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
- Thursday, Feb. 13th, Pot Luck dinner @ 6:30 & Monthly Meeting @ 7:30.
- Saturday, Feb. 15th, The Back Lake Shootout, on Back Lake. Snowmobile Races.
- Saturday, Feb. 29th – PHS Poker Run. Theme – Wizard of Oz.
- Saturday, Feb. 29th – Annual Steak Feed & Snowmobile Raffle, 4:30 to 7:00 @ the Club House.
For more details go to Events.

Look who found Melvin!
If you find him on the trail don’t forget to get a selfie and post it on our Facebook page.
Look what’s happening March – 6, 7 & 8th…..
- Open Snowmobile Weekend in NH
- The Snofest!
- The Parade of Lights!
Ride safe and see you on the trails.