“After our grooming efforts on Tuesday night, we are able to open up some more of our trail system.
As of right now the only trails that are 100% definitely closed are the ones covered in Black on this map.
Trail 141 North leading out of the Back Lake area over to Junction 377 is definitely closed.
The only route to get out of the Back Lake area would be trail 142 North.
The fields between the two gas stations being Dorman’s and Young’s Store at this time remain closed.
If we received the snowfall that they say we could get in the next few days I’m hoping that we can open up the remainder of these trails in the Back Lake vicinity.
Be aware there is thin snow cover still to be had but if you stick to the larger gravel roads getting out of the Back Lake area the riding is to be rated from fair to very good.
Reports back from groomer operators are saying anything once you get a few miles out of the hub around the clubhouse and Back Lake the riding is good to excellent.
It’s lightly snowing at this time and we’re hoping it continues to do that for the next 3 to 4 days which will set us up for having beautiful trails for the weekend.
The next update will be either tomorrow or Friday.
Groomers will continue to be out day and night from now until Sunday.”
Kevin Lassonde, Grooming Coordinator