Trails opening this Saturday, December 10th, 2016

by | Dec 7, 2016 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About

Magalloway Road, Pittsburg, New Hampshire 12 - 7 - 2016

Magalloway Road, Pittsburg, New Hampshire 12 – 7 – 2016

Trails Open 12/10/2016

Trails Open 12/10/2016

Trails will open Saturday, December 10th north of Pittsburg Village.
The Trails within the black marker on the map above will be open which is most of our trail system.

The Trail/ field that runs between Young’s Store and Dorman’s Gas has been closed temporarily due to lack of snow. Please use Trail 142 or 140 to go to or from the Back Lake area. Thank you.

Shatney Mountain, Trail 146 and Corridor Trail 20 to the west and south are closed.
There is no access to the south of Pittsburg due to logging.

Trail 140 from Junction 22 at Carr Ridge is closed for the season due to severe tornado damage.

The Cedar Stream area Trails are closed due to logging activity.

Corridor 5 from South Bay Junction 420 is temporarily closed as is Corridor 20 from Junction 3130 at Trail 137.
Trail 137 is open to Junction 3092 at Trail 112 which is closed to the south.

The PRR Trail Crew will be out signing the closed areas the next few days.
Active logging is taking place in those areas so PLEASE do not ride in closed areas.

Current conditions are fair from Pittsburg Village north. Snow cover from Back Lake toward Magalloway Road is 6″ and more. Snow cover north of Magalloway exceeds 12″.

Access to services is available, however as mentioned above snow is limited therefore trailering is recommended. Parking is available at Coon Brook/Magalloway Road and Deer Mountain as usual.
Please use caution on the trails. It is possible that blockages/blow downs and water bars will be encountered.
There has been no grooming. Trails have not been packed.

Most of the lakes have open water and the lakes that have a thin layer of ice are NOT SAFE. Back Lake just froze over this Monday………only two days ago.

Have fun out there and ride safe.

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