by ClubAdmin | Jan 9, 2020 | Club News, Trail Reports, Warming Hut, What We're Talking About
KEVIN’S TRAIL REPORT – Thursday, January 9. “We received 6 inches of new snow in the last 24 hours. Grooming operations are running nightly. Trails south of Back Lake are improving by the day and are in good condition. Trails north and east of Back...
by ClubAdmin | Jan 6, 2020 | Club News, Warming Hut, What We're Talking About
The PRR warming Hut will be opening for the season on January 11, 2020. I know you have all been waiting for a “Hut Dog,” the best dogs north of Bean Town! Well, you’ll be able to have lunch with Sue, Brynn, Cathy and Terry, your “hut hosts.” They will be serving...
by ClubAdmin | Dec 31, 2019 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About
“Good morning, Another cold and blustery day up here in the North. As of right now we have possibly received 1-2 inches of snow. Predictions range from 3 to 8 total. 6″ will help but definitely will not fix the problem. Long range forecast showing high...
by ClubAdmin | Dec 24, 2019 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About
Trail Report from Kevin Lassonde South of Magalloway road – limited snow cover, dirt and grass. You can leave from the Back Lake area and head north on Trail 142. Gas stations accessable but very limited snow. Fields between Dorman’s quickstop and...
by ClubAdmin | Dec 21, 2019 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About
With continued light snowfall over the past few days and cold temperatures we are able to open some more trail. As of tomorrow morning everything on this map that is not covered in Black will be open for use. It is still recommended to trailer North for better...