March 25, 2025
Dear Pittsburg Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club Members,
This notice is to inform all Members of our upcoming Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 10, 2025 at 6:30 pm. Members will be voting on the following Addendums to the Articles and election of Officers and Boards Members.
The following are proposed addendums to the bylaws of the Pittsburg Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club, Inc.
Addendum 1
So much of Article III, Membership is changed to add Paragraph 5.
“Membership is available to Individuals and Families. Individuals are defined as a Single person. Families are defined as husband, wife or legal partner and children under 18 years of age.”
The purpose of this Addendum is to clearly establish guidelines for Membership.
Addendum 2
So much of Article IV, paragraph 6, second sentence as reads
“They Shall also hire and” is changed to read “They shall also hire an”.
The purpose of this Addendum is to correct language.
Voting will occur at the Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 10, 2025 at the Club House located at 17 Dickson Lane, Pittsburg, NH at 6:30pm and be open to all eligible Members. If approved, these will go into effect May 1, 2025.