It was the Day before Christmas, and many had been not so nice, but the stockings were hung by the chimney with great care. So many remain hopeful and leave the garage door ajar in hopes that Saint Nick will leave you a new ride. Ok we get it – it’s about the trails!!!Last night we received 3-6″ of new snow and this will continue to build our base and open up a few more trails. For those who wonder why not the entire trail system, in some spots the trails are still not totally frozen and some of our woods trails simply need more snow. If we ran a Groomer and Drag thru now we run a high risk of damaging equipment. So those of you who live on and off these trails please be patient and respectful of the landowners.The Grooming this week has been light but will pick up once our operators return from spending the holiday with family. Trail conditions are from Moderate to Good -Some icy spots, rough conditions on ungroomed trails, most trails in the North are Flat with Ice Underneath. Always be aware for down trees.Trails in Green are Open and Groomed. The Trails in Black are open but ungroomed. All other Trails remain closed.Ride Safe and Stay Right. Merry Christmas!