Trail Update – Tuesday, 2/13/2024

by | Feb 13, 2024 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About


“As previously predicted, places like 9 Mile, Malvina, primary Trails 141,142, Magalloway, 112, 144 Buckhorn/Ceadar Stream ,144 145 up over Beaman Hill, Corridor 20, Camp 8 Road, all have good snow cover.

I’m trying to keep the hub area and trails south open for people who can’t trailer, but you will encounter some good, bad and ugly on your way out.

Be careful there’s more ice in spots, especially in corners all over our trail system.

Grooming will continue throughout the week. Go ride! lots of good trails out there still.

Grooming coordinator-Jason Busfield

PS. Whoever made the snow gods angry FIX IT! Photos are from groomer operators, Zeb and Don. Good work out there, fellas

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