Hello Snowmobilers,
Snowmobile Season is going strong in Pittsburg NH!
Our groomer operators have done a fantastic job getting the trails in great shape.
We have a big weekend coming up, starting with the Annual Snowmobile Blessing Saturday morning, and our New Year Turkey Dinner Saturday Night.
Check out the list of Up Coming Events below.
Melvin is back! Keep an eye out. He’s out there somewhere.
So come on up and play in the snow! It’s On!

Trail Report – 1/ 24 / 2024
“Pittsburg has received some snow this week, mostly flurries. However, that has given us a chance to catch up on the trails.
Trails to the North, North East, and North West are in good to great condition.
Trails that have opened –
Trail 139 by First Lake & Trail 142 by Lake Francis. Please use caution.
Trail 142 heading south to the village and Corridor 20 to Beecher Falls are also open. They’re starting to take shape and are in marginal condition. More snow will help those trails.
The occasional water bar can pop up, but that’s to be expected on areas with minimal snow cover.
Have a safe and enjoyable week.”
Jason Busfield,Grooming Coordinator
Trail maps are on Sale on the Club Store and at local stores and lodges. Map sales are a very important fund raiser for a club. Please buy your trail map today.
Don’t forget about buying your Snowmobile Raffle Ticket!
Tickets are available at the Warming Hut, Young’s Store and at some of the Lodges.
Have you join the Pittsburg Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club yet?
Just put your camera over this QR code and click the link. You’ll be glad you did.

1/27 – Snowmobile Blessing – 9 to 11am, Saturday morning at Granite State Power Equipment Arctic Cat on Trail 141
1/27 – The Warming Hut will be open from 10am to 3pm
1/27 – Annual Turkey Dinner – Saturday, 4:30 to 7:30 pm at the Club House.
2/2-4 – Ride VT for the Weekend for $25
2/3 – Back Lake Shoot Out – 10am to 3pm.
2/8 – Monthly Meeting at the Club House
2/18 – 3rd Annual SSgt Jesse Sherrill Snowmobile Ride-In
The Warming Hut is open every Saturday from 10am to 3pm.
You can find our complete Calendar of Events here.
Check out the Club Store. We have new hoodies for Adults and Melvin long sleeve Tees for the kids on sale this weekend, along with all the other clothing, hats, Thermal Tumblers and stickers.
We hope to see you all soon.
Happy Trails and Ride Safely.