Trail Report – Jason Busfield, PRR Grooming Coordinator
Pittsburg received 2-4 inches of new snow earlier today, and then the snow stopped during the afternoon. Around 5pm it started snowing and the wind has picked up as well. We’ll see what we end up with in the AM. (As of 5:30 am 3/15, in the Back Lake area +3″ of snow & it’s still snowing.)
Trail conditions are in good to great shape. Temperatures have been in the high 30’s during the day and low 20’s at night, which really helps firm up the trails. Almost like concrete.
It’s that time of year when the high, bright March sun does start to melt our base in spots, so be careful of ice and the occasional bare spots, especially on south facing slopes that get a lot of morning and miday sun.
Enjoy it while it lasts! We will see you on the trails.