Trail report from Jason Busfield, PRR Grooming Coordinator – 1/23/23
“Good afternoon,
Pittsburg has received 3 to 6 inches of fresh snow in the village, in the hub areas, and more in the higher elevations.
Groomers have been out shaping our trails. I’ve been receiving reports that the trails are looking better and in good condition. The further north you go the better.
Also, trail signage on the Perry Stream Trails 140 /141 /142 /147, should be complete by the end of the week.
More snow is in the forecast, so great riding is in the future.”
Trail 20 South to VT remains closed at this time, due to lack of snow, and high water. The trail will open once Lake Francis water level recedes.
Please remain alert for occasional water bars, rocks and icy corners.
Slow down, stay right and enjoy the trails.