Trail Report from Groomer Operator, David Ainsworth
” The trails south are fair to good. Corridor 20 south from JCT 146 is closed due to no snow. The trails around the village are ungroomed. Pass at your own risk.
Trails North, East and Northwest of Back lake have good riding. All of these trails are open and Trail 141, the field between Dorman’s Gas and Young’s Store is now Open.
Also, please stay on trails as there are many hidden objects with not much cover right now. Be safe.”

Our January monthly club meeting is tomorrow night. There will be a Pot Luck Dinner starting at 6:30, followed by the meeting at 7:30. BOD, Justin Webber will have the results of the survey that was sent out last month and Club President, Curt Shaw will fill us in on the new groomer.
Our weather forecast is showing flurries for the next several days. Please keep doing those snow dances. I think we all need to kick it into high gear!!
Checkout all of the up coming events here on the Club Calendar.
Think Snow!!