Kevin’s Trail Report & News – Thursday, January 21st, 2021

by | Jan 21, 2021 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About

Kevin’s Trail Report –

Last weekend we had 2 groomers breakdown which made for some tough sledding.  Both of those groomers are back at the garage being worked on. Dave Ainsworth has been out grooming nonstop and the north-eastern side of our trail system is in good shape. Yesterday Jason Busfield did the westside of our trail system.

We also had help from the Swift Diamond Riders SC groomer Jeff Haynes. Thank you SDR!

Here are 2 Maps showing highlighted trails that were groomed Wednesday. Malvina was also groomed. 

Here are 3 maps showing trails to be groomed tonight, Thursday 1/21

Closed Trail:

Trail 138 – the section between T5 & T140 to T144/ South Bay remains closed due to logging activity. It should be opening soon. As soon as the logging company is able to move out, we will let you know.

Our trail system has picked up 9+ inches of snow making things so much better. Our cold temperatures are also helping the trail system setup well. It’s going to be a cold one this coming weekend, so be sure to add a few more layers.

Trails are looking very good and we are receiving great reports from riders. 

For Kevin’s video report check it out here on Facebook. 

Local CO injured on the trail

On Monday evening our local NH F & G Conservation Office, Chris Eagan was injured in a snowmobile accident and suffered a broken leg. You can read the details here.

CO Eagan is a huge asset to our community and to our Club. Warm wishes to Chris to get well very soon. Anyone wanting to send him Get Well Wishes, here is his address.

Chris Eagan

PO Box 215

Pittsburg, NH 03592

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