Diamond Ridge sunset M Brennan photo
Hello Snowmobilers,
Trail Report:
We received 10 + inches of snow last week just in time for the 3 day holiday weekend.
Grooming operations are running nightly.
Trails south of Back Lake have improved and are in good condition.
Trails north and east of Back Lake are in good to excellent condition.
We have more snow in the forecast coming this weekend.
Club News:
We would like thank everyone that donated a total of 30 turkeys for our Annual Turkey Feed which is this Saturday night. Thank you all very much.
Putting on the Turkey Feed is lots of work and we appreciate all of our dedicated volunteers that turn out every year to lend a hand. Hope to see you all again Saturday and bring a friend. The more the merrier.
The Annual Snowmobile Blessing was a success and there were around 60 sleds that came through. Thank you Minister Heath for conducting the blessing.
Things happening this weekend:
The Turkey Feed is Saturday night from 5:00 to 7:00 at the Club House.
The Warming Hut will be open this Saturday at 10 am to 3 pm! Come support the club and visit with our hosts.

Look who found Melvin!
If you find him on the trail don’t forget to take a selfie and post it on our Facebook page.
This Saturday, January 25th – Annual Turkey Dinner 5:00 to 7:00 pm @ the Club House.
Open Snowmobile Weekend in Maine: Jan. 31st, Feb. 1 & 2.
Open Snowmobile Weekend in Vermont: Feb. 7, 8 & 9.
Saturday, Feb. 8th, North Country Firefighters & Rescue Poker Run
Thursday, Feb. 13th, Pot Luck dinner @ 6:30 & Monthly Meeting @ 7:30
Saturday, Feb. 29th – PHS Poker Run
Saturday, Feb. 29th – Annual Steak Feed & Snowmobile Raffle, 4:30 to 7:00 @ the Club House.
For more details go to Events –
Here’s what’s happening March 6, 7 & 8th…...
- Open Snowmobile Weekend in NH
- The Snofest
- The Parade of Lights
Ride safe and see you on the trails.