Diamond Ridge – January, 5th, 2020
KEVIN’S TRAIL REPORT – Thursday, January 9.
“We received 6 inches of new snow in the last 24 hours. Grooming operations are running nightly.
Trails south of Back Lake are improving by the day and are in good condition.
Trails north and east of Back Lake in good to excellent condition.
Weather prediction for warmer weather and some rain Saturday. Grooming happening early today and unsure of what we will be doing on Friday.
Saturday definitely looks like a wash as far as being able to groom.
Remember the Warming Hut opens this Saturday at 10 am to 3 pm!!
Come support the club and visit with our hosts.”
Kevin Lassonde, grooming coordinator, PRRSC
Michael Stetson Photo
Look who found Melvin! If you’re lucky enough to find Melvin on the trail be sure to get a photo with him and post it on our Facebook page.
- Tonight -Thursday, Jan. 9th – Pot Luck Dinner 6:30 pm & Monthly Meeting, 7:30pm @the Club House.
- Saturday, Jan. 11th – Warming Hut Opens, 10am to 3pm
- Saturday January 11th, 7th Annual Snowmobile Blessing – 9:00 to 11:00 am at Granite State Power Arctic Cat
- Open Snowmobile Weekend in Quebec: Janurary 18, 19, 2020
- Saturday, January 25th – Annual Turkey Dinner 5:00 to 7:00 pm @ the Club House.
- Open Snowmobile Weekend in Maine: Jan. 31st, Feb. 1 & 2.