T Fairbanks photo Jan 1, 2020
Hello Snowmobilers,
“The New Year has brought us Pittsburg flurries!!!!!
Somewhere between 4-6 inches worth since yesterday afternoon and it’s still falling!
We will have one Bully heading out this afternoon to move it to it’s winter home near Magalloway Road.
Starting tomorrow morning we will have 3 machines out temperature permitting until Sunday.
With any luck I’ll attempt to start a semi normal schedule on Monday.
Please continue to obey trails that are currently closed. As snow depth builds we will open other areas as soon as we can.
Continue to expect early season conditions which could include: open water bars, icy conditions, possible downed trees.
Grooming will mainly be during the day until next week.
Hopefully this is helpful and the beginning of a great season that is off to a slow start.”
Kevin Lassonde grooming coordinator PRRSC
Club News
- The Christmas Craft Fair-Corinne Howland organized a very successful Christmas Craft Fair generating $7,000 for Camp Sno Mo which is the highest amount raised to date. We would like to thank all of the business members for their generous monetary donations, the volunteers and the crafters that participated.
- And Melvin – He’s Back!! He went for his first groomer ride today. We love to see your Melvin selfies on our Facebook page.
- Thursday, Jan. 9th – Pot Luck Dinner 6:30 pm & Monthly Meeting, 7:30pm @the Club House
- Saturday, Jan. 11th – Warming Hut Opens, conditions permitting-10am to 3pm.
- Saturday January 11th, 7th Annual Snowmobile Blessing – 9 to 11 am at Granite State Power Arctic Cat
- Open Snowmobile Weekend in Quebec: Janurary 18, 19, 2020
Saturday, January 25th – Annual Turkey Dinner 5:00 to 7:00 pm @ the Club House.
Open Snowmobile Weekend in Maine: Jan. 31st, Feb. 1 & 2.
In February– Poker Runs, the PRR Steak Feed and Open Weekend in Vermont.
In March – Open Weekend in NH, The Snofest and the Parade of Lights.
It’s going to be a fun filled winter!
We wish everyone a Happy New Year!
Ride safe and see you on the trails.