“Good morning,
It’s Saturday December 28th. We don’t have an awful lot to report on as far as the trails go.
Yesterday we received large amounts of rain, warmer temperatures and quite a bit of fog.
Trails to the north we believe are still holding their own. Limited snow cover south of Magalloway Road.
At this time our groomers will not be operating until we receive more snow. There is a few different forecast being projected for early in the week. We will have to wait and see what actually happens here but it’s going to take a significant amount of snow before we will run the groomers again.
Hopefully by next weekend things will change in the area and will get back to normal.
On another note, yesterday PistenBully delivered our new Mogul Master drag to be mated with the brand new Bully 400 that we received a month-and-a-half ago.
This drag is different in a few ways from the previous ones that we have purchased. It has what they call an aggressive cut blade system which extends inside of the edge rails to allow it to grind and cut harder through Frozen ice surfaces. We demoed one last year and it worked very well in the areas with limited snow and hard ice covered base. We are anxious to try it out and see how everything works.
My next update will be sometime in the next 3 or 4 days once we receive some snow.”
Kevin Lassonde, grooming coordinator PRRSC.
Here are a few photos taken today by John Bialek and Robert Kaffel which they posted on Facebook, Saturday 28th, 2019. As Kevin mentioned above we need snow. The high traffic areas are tough.

Magalloway Road

East Inlet Road

Further out from Rt. 3
There is riding out there but if you’re looking for great conditions – it’s coming.
Those of you that ventured north to Pittsburg this weekend, we hope you’re having fun.
Please be careful riding. Slow down and enjoy the view.
Don’t forget to stay off the big Lakes. They are not safe.
Okay everyone it’s time to put the Snow Dance in Full Throttle!
Happy New Year!