Trail Report- March 2nd, 2017

by | Mar 2, 2017 | Club News, Trail Reports, What We're Talking About

Freshly Groomed Trail. 2/28

Trail Report from Kevin Lassonde, Grooming Coordinator, March 1st

“We will not be grooming Wednesday night. As I write this it is raining hard and the temperature is around 47 degrees.
The trail system is holding its own to the north and east and locally there has definitely been some melting. There is still snow cover on most of the area but no bones about it there is also a fair amount of ice and dirt uncovered in the heavier traffic areas.
If the weather cooperates we will resume the grooming schedule on Thursday night and through the weekend.

Trail ratings:

North and east good to excellent

Mid system including the 1st Lake and Back Lake area: fair to good.

Back Lake and South to Pittsburg village: fair to good.

Reminder, NH Corridor 20 south of Indian steam Rd is still under a temporary closure and MAY re open for the weekend.

It’s Sno-Deo weekend at the Swift Diamond riders clubhouse.
Come enjoy the riding to be had in beautiful northern New Hampshire, it will all be over until next year soon.”

Last Saturday’s Steak Feed was a great success with 222 Steak Dinners served.
Thanks to everyone that supports the PRRSC.

The winner of the raffle sled was Michael Letourneau of Harwinton, CT.

Also, a cooler was raffled off at the Steak Feed and it was won by Scot Ritson of Wilmington MA. which Scot then donated to the groomer operators.
Thank you Scot.

Upcoming Events

March 9th – Pot Luck Dinner & Monthly Meeting

April 13th – Monthly Meeting

For more Event details, click here

Have fun out on the trails and ride safe.

The Warming Hut is made possible with the cooperation of NH Parks & Recreation.

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