Hello Snowmobilers,
As many of you have seen or heard, The Burg just got a taste of snow this past weekend and our forecast is cold and snow showers for the next few days.
It won’t be long now.
Our Club Members Sue & Brynn Rugg were very busy at the Grass Drags selling snowmobile raffle tickets and clothing.
Over half of the snowmobile raffle tickets have been sold to date. Don’t forget there are only 1,000 tickets so you better buy one while you can.
October Monthly Meeting Highlights
One of our older groomers has been sold and our new Pisten Bully groomer will be delivered next month. We would like to thank everyone that has donated towards the New Groomer Fund. Every little bit helps.
All of our drags have a fresh coat of paint and are ready to roll thanks to our club president Curt Shaw.
There is considerable tornado damage to Trail 140 from the Carr Ridge Bridge to the Cedar Stream trail. We’ve heard it looks a lot like pick up sticks and it will require heavy equipment to clean up the mess. This trail may need to be closed for the upcoming season but we will keep you posted on possible trail cleanup.
A Landowner, Volunteer and Groomer Operator Appreciation Dinner has been planned for Dec. 9th at the Spa Restaurant in West Stewartstown. All landowners, volunteers and groomer operators please RSVP Bev Lord by Dec. 1st, prrscoffice@myfairpoint.net or call 603-538-1142.
The SNOWMOBILE SAFETY COURSE will be on Friday, Dec. 30th, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The safety course is free and lunch will be provided by the club. Students should bring warm outerwear and a helmet. A parent is recommended to attend with their child. You must be 12 years of age before April 1st, 2017 to attend the course. If you have any questions, please call Sue at 538-9611.
November 10th – Monthly meeting, 7:30 at the clubhouse.
November 26th – Annual Christmas Craft Fair
Dec. 9th – Landowner, Volunteer & Groomer Operator Dinner, 5:00 pm happy hour, 6:00 pm dinner buffet and 7:30 pm informal monthly meeting.
Dec. 30th – Snowmobile Safety Course at the club house.
That’s it for now and we hope to see you all soon.