Good News:  Two of the PRR groomers will be heading out on the trails at noon today. They will be starting from Magalloway Road and heading north. One groomer will be doing the East Inlet/Boundary Pond area and the other will head to Deer Mountain and over to the west side of Route 3. Our Trail Coordinator has reported that the higher elevations received an additional 2 to 4 inches of new snow in the last couple of days which is helping with lubrication. Our groomer drivers are expecting to pull snow from the edges into the trails and into the icy corners. Please use caution particularly in the corners. Our trail conditions are Spring Conditions. Studs and carbides are recommended.
Our weather forecast is showing up to 3 inches of snow for tonight and possibly an inch or two tomorrow. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.  If we receive the snow that is forecasted tonight, we may be able to reopen some of the trails. We will let everyone know ASAP if any trails reopen.
Here is our trail map showing which trails are currently open and closed. The trails circled in the black marker are closed. Some of the trails on the lower right of the map will not be groomed today. The guys will take a look at those trails today to see if they are able to groom them this weekend.
Don’t forget the Warming Hut will be open on Saturday from 10 to 3 and Pittsburg’s Fire & Rescue will be there with their rescue equipment. Stop in for lunch, take a look at the rescue equipment and visit with our PFD personnel. All proceeds from the Hut will go to the department. Please help them FILL THE BOOT!!!
Come on up to feed the Gray Jays, take your picture with Melvin and play in the snow. We wish everyone a great weekend.
Happy Trails and ride safely!