Pittsburg Trail Report for February 4th, 2016

by | Feb 4, 2016 | Trail Reports, What We're Talking About

Pittsburg’s weather has not been great this week with rain on Wednesday and mild temperatures today. Temperatures will be turning cold tonight and a little snow is forecasted over the weekend. The trails range from good to poor. The best riding conditions are north and on the east side of Route 3. Trailering north to Magalloway Road and to East Inlet/Deer Mtn. is recommended until we receive more snow.
The trails from Second Ct. Lake to First Connecticut Lake are fair, trails south to Back Lake are fair to poor and south of Back Lake trails are poor.
The groomers will be going out on Friday and Saturday nights to keep the good stuff good. There is good riding out there if you are willing to look for it.
Trail 141 from Dorman’s Gas to Young’s Store has been closed until we receive more snow.
The Warming Hut will be open this Saturday, so please stop by and say Hello to Bob & Sue. They will be serving hot soups and their famous Hut Dogs and more.
Please ride safely and pray for snow.

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