Pittsburg Ridge Runners
Trail Report for Thursday December 31st, 2015
Happy New Year!!
We know you are all waiting to hear what’s happening on the trails. Several club members rode portions of the trail system yesterday and they found the logging roads were good and the woods trails had some water bars, stumps, rocks and blow downs.
Here are some specifics:
- Water bars at Deer Mountain.
- Parking area at Sophies Lane (Junction 9) has open water.
- Trail 140, Perry Stream Rd is good, watch for blow downs at junction 923 where 147 and 140 diverge.
- Trail 112, Klondike trail to Magalloway good.
- Trails 144, 143 and 145 are good as is 20 to Maine.
- There are open brooks on 20 at Coozie Brook between junctions 581 and 582.
- Open brooks on Corridor 5 East of Second Lake between junctions 507 and 538.
- Trail 147, west side of Perry Stream Rd is not recommended for travel due to water.
- Trail 139 next to First CT. Lake has large trees across the trail.
We received another 2 inches of snow last night and the forecast for this weekend is showing 1 to 3 inches of snow Friday night and 1 to 3 inches on Saturday night.
If you do head out on the trails please take it slow and be aware of water bars, blow downs and other hazards that may be in the trail.
Please note the date changes of the Turkey Feed, Snowmobile Blessing and Fireworks listed below.
Also, the new Trail Maps are available.
Please stay off all Lakes.
**The Turkey Feed has been postponed to January 16th.
**The Snowmobile Blessing and the Fireworks Display have been postponed to January 30th.
Please mark your calendar.
We wish you all a very Happy New Year.