Pittsburg Ridge Runners Trail Report Thursday April 17, 2014

by | Apr 17, 2014 | Trail Reports | 2 comments

The current temperature is 25 degrees and sunny. We received 4-6 inches of snow at the end of the recent rain storm which helped to make everything look white again. Some of our trail system remains open for riding primarliy north of Back lake with NO local access, food, fuel, or lodging. Suggested trail access would be to use Magalloway rd. or East Inlet rd. For a detailed list of closed trails check the trail by trail report below. Please watch for any spring riding hazards including water bars and washouts from spring flooding. It will not be long before the gates close for the season so if you need that one last ride come on up!

Keith Landry

Groomer Coordinator/ Director

Boundary Pond Jct. 834 to pond Open
144 Jct. 1354 E. Inlet to 918 Moose Brook/2nd Lake Open
145 E. Inlet Jct. 296 to 707 Open
5 Jct. 455 to Canada Open
141 Perry Jct. 1748 over Deer Mtn to 455 to Canada Open
5 Smith Brook Camps Jct. 507 to 455 Canada/Deer Mtn Closed Flooding
5 Smith Brook Jct. 243 at Magalloway to 507 Camps Open
20 Jct. 1354 to Maine border Open
20 Coosie Brook @ Magalloway Jct. 581 to 532 Smith Brook Open
143 Camp 8 to Jct. 588 Open
143 Camp 8 Jct. 2226 to Camp 6 Open
137/143 W Branch Jct. 3130 to M Branch 1776 Open
112 Magalloway Rte 3 to Jct. 448 South Bay Open
112 Magalloway Jct. 3092 to Jct. 448 South Bay Open
112 Magalloway/4 Mile Jct. 1052 to 3092 Garfield Falls Closed/Logging
136 Pisgah Jct 2434 to 1052 Magalloway/4 Mile Errol Closed/Logging
20 Cedar from Jct. 1917 Pierces to 581 Magalloway Open
140 McKeags trail Jct. 22 Carr Ridge to Jct. 1917 Pierces Closed
5 Pierces/South Bay Jct. 1917 to 448 Magalloway Open
139 from Carr Ridge Jct. 1 to Jct. 902 Closed/Logging
140/138 form Young’s Store Jct. 131 to 1180 South Bay Closed
141 Young’s field Jct. 131 to Jct. 132 Closed
139 Rte 3 Lopstick to Jct. 139 @ River Rd Closed
139 Ramblewood from Perry Jct. 174 to Lopstick Closed
140 Perry Jct. 1096/112 Klondike to Jct. 4020 Magalloway Rte 3 Open
140 Perry Jct. 174 to 35 Perry Deer Mtn Open
140 Mtn. View Jct. 131 to 341 Farr Rd. Perry Closed
142/147 West Perry Jct. 409 Farr Rd to 35 Open
141 Indian from Jct. 2684 Roaring Brook to 35 Perry Open
141 Indian from Jct. 377 4 Corners to 2684 Roaring Brook Open
142 Terrell Pond/Halls Stream Jct. 2967 to 1080 Open from 2967 to 159
142 Roaring Brook from Jct. 543 W Perry to Jct. 2684 Indian Open
141 from Clubhouse Jct. 163 to 4 Corners 377 Closed
142 from Jct. 14 behind Yamaha to Jct. 409 at gravel pit Closed
142 Village from Jct. 486 to 163 Village Closed
146 Shatney from Jct. 486 to 217 Closed
20 Halls Stream from Jct. 486 to Jct. 2572 Closed

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